Turns out a global pandemic is *really* bad for business. Try not to panic, if nothing else, we’re all in this together. Here are a few things that might help.

If you have anything to add to this list, please get in touch asap. Email is the easiest way: stormy@rebelandromance.com


ADOBE (Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.) is offering 3 months free or 3 months refund on your subscription. All you have to do is hop on their live chat and ask, it took me two minutes. People have had mixed results on getting an actual refund, no one seems to be having trouble getting 3 months free or a 3 month extension on their subscription.

PIXIESET (online galleries) is offering 2 months free on your plan. Send them an email.


LINDSAY ADLER is making her “Seeing the Light” video and accompanying download free for 30 days. If you like it, her educational products are half off with code PHOTOLOVE.

DO MORE PHOTOGRAPHERS (boudoir photography resource) is offering a free 24 hour tour of their forum membership and 50% off all products in the storefront.

PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS OF AMERICA are opening up all their educational resources for free for 2 weeks.


CREATIVE LIVE are streaming their health and wellness classes for free, 24/7


PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS OF AMERICA have created a dedicated page linking to government legislation updates (USA) and upcoming webinars discussing things like contract cancellation.

THE MIDDLE FINGER PROJECT by Ash Ambirge is offering free seats to “The Emergency Money Workshop,” which she describes as, “A free + supercharged online workshop full of smart ideas if you’re in a pinch as the result of COVID-19 and need to think of creative ways to generate additional cash flow for your business by doing things you don’t normally do.” Date is Tuesday, March 24th, 11AM EST,  but there will be a recording to follow.

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