by Stormy Sloane | Sep 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
A quick preview of what I’ve been up to the last two weeks…
I have four new shoots to share (plus all the older ones I still haven’t blogged…eek!).
There’s this “Old Hollywood Glam” concept with Sophie and Gemma on makeup and hair. I used some lights, we did some desaturated skin, and it all turned out great.

Then, back to basics with Sara. Also on this shoot; fake freckles, blue alien lips and a faux bob courtesy of makeup artist Sadaf and hairstylist Tia. Yeah, I’ve got your attention now don’t I? Just you wait.

Sara the English Rose in a topknot, with Tia and Sadaf on hair and makeup.
I’m so happy about the way this second image has turned out. It wasn’t easy or pretty, but we pulled it off. As soon as I can reliably recreate this look (without the sea of awkwardly placed softboxes, hand held lights, and net curtains diffusers), the studio entranceway will be officially open for business:) It feels like I’ve been waiting seven years to shoot this chandelier the way it deserves, and it’s the perfect romantic, glamorous feeling backdrop I always hoped it would be.

Finally, the fashion headshot with Montana, Sadaf, and Tia. I used lights again here – two of them! Studio lighting is definetly a learning curve – everything is so finicky. Still, making progress so I can’t complain:)

Check back next week for more!
by Stormy Sloane | Aug 13, 2015 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Fitness Photography, Uncategorized
Meet Bianca. She’s one dynamic woman. In fact, she’s currently on a massive global journey competing and training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) and Bikini Fitness Bodybuilding. Because she can. She’ll be blogging about the journey so click the link attached to her name if you’d like to see what she’s up to.
Bianca needed a few images to help her say to women and girls, “You can choose what you think and say about your own body.” We also wanted to create images that show being strong doesn’t take away from being feminine or beautiful, and that it’s possible to feel comfortable in your own skin. If I’m honest, Bianca and I hit it off straight away and what was meant to be a quick hour-long shoot turned into a whole afternoon. I’m so proud to be contributing (in my own small way) to be helping her spread this message.
These images were destined for Bianca’s new website and also as part of her work with the This Girl Can Campaign. I was so excited when she mentioned this, because I fell in love with This Girl Can’s latest commercial the first time I saw it.
Now, onto the images…
Simple, clean images showing off a strong and beautiful body.

I think this one is my favourite.

I also did some simple graphic design work which I’ll maybe share later, we added some personal motivational messages to these images and they turned out really nice.

It was lucky we arranged this shoot when we did, because about a week after this images was created Bianca took a hit to the face and earned herself a massive black eye. It looked brutal, but she’s okay now:)

Love this laughing one so much.

Bianca was ever so kind to let me play around with some other ideas too. I’ve been wanting to try out a little fitness photography, and this was the perfect opportunity.

I’m a committed fan of natural light, so (no surprise) I found working in this tightly controlled setup a little tricky.

Given that it was my first try, and that I didn’t have the right equipment for this sort of shoot in the first place, I’m pretty happy with how these turned out though.

It’s definetly something I’d like to work on more. There’s a lot to learn in any new genre – apparently in this one, seeing veins and tension in the muscles is quite important. We nailed the viens early on but then couldn’t figure out how to get back to it haha! I definetly need a third light and a few new modifiers to improve from here.

But still, technical stuff aside….looooook at those abs!
If you’re a fan of this outfit (a blatant rip off of MICHI) you can find it at New Look.
by Stormy Sloane | Aug 6, 2015 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Uncategorized
I have a special treat for you today…
A sneak peek at my newest project (drumroll)…boudoir video!
Shooting boudoir sessions on video is an idea I’ve been flirting with for ages, and I’m so excited to have finally made the first one. It’s definetly a learning curve and comes with software/hardware/equipment challenges, but both Montana and I were thrilled with the results of our first go. It looks way better in HD, so please feel free to watch this on my Vimeo instead (link at the bottom).
I wanted to wait and drop 15 videos on you all at once, Beyonce style. However, because I am not actually Beyonce and do not have anything near Beyonce’s production crew, I think it will take too long. I’ll share as I go instead.
My inspiration for boudoir on video comes from lingerie commercials, music videos, and fashion films. I love the traditional still boudoir photo shoot, but there’s a special kind of magic and authenticity that happens with motion. I just keep thinking – if you could star in a gorgeous video that left you feeling amazing and looking like you stepped off the Victoria’s Secret silver screen….how amazing would that be?
I’m going to find out.
Montana’s Boudoir Video from Rebel and Romance on Vimeo.
by Stormy Sloane | Jul 30, 2015 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Uncategorized
Montana and I got together a few weeks ago to catch up and test out some new ideas (stay tuned for sneaks). We were pressed for time, but we managed to squeeze in 10 minutes at the end for this feminine, summer-inspired lingerie look.
It’s a simple concept, but it’s full of beautiful curves and gorgeous light. Enjoy!

I really have to hand it to Miss M., she nailed this look in no time at all.

This was actually our second time shooting together. If you’re interested, you can see our first boudoir session here.

We were copying inspired by a Victoria’s Secret ad, and I think we got pretty close to the mark actually. Movement helps so much, I don’t think you can pull off poses like this if you try to do them static.


I’m quite partial to the colour versions of images from this shoot, but a good film grain black and white certainly has it’s place too.

If you’d like to do something like this for your own boudoir shoot, it’s honestly not as hard as it looks. Bring along a playlist of songs that make you want to dance, and we’ll rock these out in no time.

Other things you’ll need: a summer coloured lingerie look (suggestion at the end of this post), and a great tan.

A few final frames with these gorgeous bars of sunlight. Images like these are tricky, as I usually get about two minutes before a cloud floats across the sun and ruins everything.

Still, it’s worth the effort. You only need everything in place for a split second:)

How great is M’s makeup by the way? I’m going to make her teach me, because she did it herself!

M – you were amazing. Next stop for us: Thailand;)
To wrap things up, I have a killer lingerie recommendation for you. Montana wore the “Lauren” set from Boux Avenue (pictured and linked below). It’s cheap, the coral colour is perfect for summer, and it looks great on camera. They have a special offer going on now where you get a free pair of matching knickers when purchasing the bra, so you can pick up the entire look for £25. STEAL.

by Stormy Sloane | Jul 23, 2015 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Plus Size Boudoir / Curvy Boudoir Sessions, Uncategorized
Today, another post that was eaten by my web server move. Olivia is so inspiring, so I’m reposting for anyone who missed it or would like a second look:)
Here’s gorgeous Olivia (@curvycampbell) being so very brave in her first nude shoot. This was actually the prequel look to Olivia’s pin up set, although it’s got a totally different feel. It’s great to be able to create such variety in a single shoot, and I love how soft and romantic these turned out.

Sheer curtains are my best friend. This image on the right kills me still.

I love these images because of what they represent. If you’ve ever felt not good enough, not beautiful enough, if you’ve ever looked in the mirror and felt disgusted at what you saw staring back at you, these images are for you.

Olivia does not have a perfect body. She is not thin, she is not rich, she does not have a Pinterest-worthy life all the time. She is a single mother, she is mixed race, she battles with her mind and not feeling good enough, and she has been told no a million times. I think she’s absolutely brilliant, but the point is that she is you in so many ways. So this is the lesson: there is no reason that Olivia can learn to love her body, but you cannot.
Attempt the work. Decide to change your mind. Refuse to hate on yourself.
Do it every single day.

Pretty pink blooms and vintage pearls for the win.

We tried a sort of cheeky, Ellen Von Unwerth vibe with these, but I think it still needs a little refining.

Maybe a bit too provocative? I don’t know lol! Everyone else seemed to like them so I’ve left them in, but I plead the 5th if you’re offended!

Shooting these was a huge mistake, because I’ve been wanting to go to Morocco ever since.

One day soon. With a riad and a camel, obviously. Let me know if you’d like to come?
by Stormy Sloane | Jul 16, 2015 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Uncategorized
This week on the blog…Becky!
Photographing Becky was a piece of cake. She was up for anything, more excited than nervous, and just generally a lot of fun to work with.

Loving our new bedroom set in the studio. I feel like I’m really starting to get the hang of how best to photograph it. It’s perfect for a romantic, classy look.

This mirror is currently mid-distressing though, so this particular shot might not work so well in the future!

How serene does she look here?

This is a lingerie look I absolutely love. It’s great for a soft, romantic feel and translates really well as a bridal set too. To pull it off, you’ll need a white, cream, or ivory lingerie set and nude or beige heels. For jewellery, pearls are classic, but any traditional feeling pieces will work just as well.

Those abs! Excuse me while I go do 7000 sit ups.

Relaxed and lovely. Maybe up to something sneaky too.

If you’re a bit nervous, we can do lots of anonymous images like this to start with. They look fab and will give you a few minutes to settle in before you have to brave a look at the camera;)

Such a good face on this one!

We wanted to do some summery, happy feeling topless images, and I think we got pretty close to the mark with these ones.

A look like this couldn’t be easier…

…just a fun coloured knickers and bare feet (and great hair). Victoria’s Secret is the perfect place to start if you’re looking for knickers like this, they’ve got lots of different cut and colour options.

A slightly Parisian feel with these doors.

I love this pink and black combo too.

So much classier than hot pink and black lace, which always seems to look a little trashy regardless of how expensive it actually was!

Next up, this vampy getup and Louboutins. A dark eye and a dark lip is more than I’d recommend for most people, but Becky has such stunning features that I knew she could pull it off.

If you’re only going to do stockings or hold ups for one look, I’d recommend it’s the darkest one. You can never go wrong with the full getup.

Kudos to Gemma for another lovely makeup look.

Aahhhhh yes. Love everything about this.

Images like this are the whole reason you want to make sure you don’t have chipped neon green nail polish on:)

Slowly but surely we’re finishing the studio hallway, and I’ve started venturing into it during shoots.

It still needs some work, but I see huge potential here. Stay tuned.

Riiiighht. Can we talk about how incredible Becky looks here? I mean…come on!

This red lingerie set looks fantastic but cost under £30 all in….

Proof you can get something unique and new without breaking the bank! I’d tell you where it came from but you’d just be disappointed as it was on clearance and is no more. I know, because I tried to buy a set for the studio straight after Becky left 🙁

A few final images by the temple doors.

Becky, you blew me away! Such a pleasure working with you, can’t wait for next time:)
by Stormy Sloane | Jul 9, 2015 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Plus Size Boudoir / Curvy Boudoir Sessions, Uncategorized
This blog post got lost in a server move a few months ago, along with all your lovely comments:( So sad. But, I’m re-writing and re-posting today so this shoot can live on!
If you’ve been following me for a while you know I absolutely love this woman. Olivia is such a dynamic, fun person to be around, and I really admire the body positive attitude she advocates. If you need a little more of this positive influence in your life, I’d recommend following her on Instagram here: @curvycampbell While you’re at it you can follow brilliant makeup artist Debbie (@debbiepurkissmua) and me too (@stormy_rebelandromance).
Anyway, feels like ages ago now but Olivia, Debbie, and I got together to play pin up for this shoot.

People are always trying to get me to do pin up, but I just don’t like it that much. I don’t think I’m cut out for all the fake smiles and posey poses. This is how I like my pin up – undone and a little reckless, on the edge of something dangerous.

Too cool to clean the kitchen, obviously.

Love these Coca-Cola cans as hair rollers.

I think it’s important to point out that I made no changes to Olivia’s body shape in these. You know why? Because she’s beautiful exactly as she is.
She was killing these poses.

How great is Olivia’s makeup here? Debbie always knocks it out of the park. She’s the safest pair of hands I know.

Don’t smoke okay? Smoking is bad. It’s not half as cool as we made it look here.

Is there anything more decadent than a vintage fur coat?
Olivia, Debbie, it’s always a pleasure. Still one of my favourite shoots.
by Stormy Sloane | Jun 25, 2015 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Plus Size Boudoir / Curvy Boudoir Sessions, Uncategorized
Aurelie is such a lovely person, and I think someone that everyone can relate to in one way or another. We met a few years ago when she got in touch for her first boudoir shoot. At that time, Aurelie had just lost a bunch of weight and although she was looking great, she was feeling crap.
It’s one of those things that can just blindside a person – you get healthier and thinner and are SURE you’ll feel amazing, only to find your mind hasn’t caught up to your body. Anyway, she was struggling to feel at home in her new, thinner shape and decided to do something about it. It was great to photograph her then, and the results were amazing – both in terms of how the images actually turned out, in what they did for Aurelie’s self-confidence, and in the reaction from her Mr too:) Win win win.
All that in mind, I was delighted to hear from Aurelie again recently. After a super challenging year, she was ready to come back for round 2 and a fresh dose of confidence.

I love working with clients a second time. It’s about 100 times less scary for them, since they already know what to expect and that they will love the results, so things usually go smooth as butter.
This teal colour is great for summer.

Showing off your wedding ring in a whole new way;)

This navy blue bodysuit is a great choice for shoots, especially if you’d like something that will cover your midsection but still allow you to move.

Love this light on Mrs. A.

I love how natural Aurelie looks here, especially because this position is not half as easy as it seems.

Obligatory booty shot;)

One of my favourite frames from the bedroom set.

She nailed this one too.

A red lip, because we can. This is a nice way to nod to pin up if you like the style but the cheesy props aren’t your style.

Our library door is officially on, and I’ve been playing around with a few different ways to incorporate it into shoots.

New tattoos, and a gorgeous black lace number. All Aurelie’s lingerie has come from non-designer, high street retailers, so keep in mind that you don’t need to splash out on expensive digs unless you want to.

The temple doors.

And the best for last – Mrs. A absolutely KILLING in these. A few years ago, no amount of money or persuasion would have convinced Aurelie she could look good in a topless shot. I asked casually if she wanted to do anything topless during our first shoot a few years ago, and she literally turned to me and said, “I will never do it. No. Never.”
But lo and behold…here she is, looking amazing and eating her words:) I’m so proud of her. It’s very hard work learning to like your body, but it’s so worth it.
Aurelie, you’re an inspiration.
by Stormy Sloane | Jun 18, 2015 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Uncategorized
R is an inspiration. I L. O. V. E. her warm, welcoming ways, her edgy style, and her Florence and the Machine-esque good looks. We had such a fun boudoir session together, and our location was this amazing flat in Little Italy – complete with cool warehouse style features and decorated to perfection.
Without overstepping my bounds, I would like to add a little commentary. It’s so easy to look at images of a gorgeous, thin woman and think, “yes, easy for YOU to do!” Please don’t think this – you’d be dead wrong most of the time. Most of my clients are regular women with hangups similar to your own. We’re all on a hard journey of self-acceptance, but sometimes the evidence of that struggle isn’t so obvious.
It’s not my place to share the details of her story, but I will say that what R has overcome in order to even contemplate a boudoir shoot is incredible and inspiring. It’s taken many years of constant, daily battling, even if she’s made it look easy as pie in these images. I’m SO proud of her for doing this, and I hope you will be too:)

Here she is! Looking AMAZING.
This Paradise Lost artwork is my new favourite thing. If you’re not familiar with him, you should seriously check out Chris Bracey’s brilliant neon work – I don’t know how I’ve missed realising all of this came from the same man, but I would now like to buy about seven pieces. Also, apparently there is a magical place in London called God’s Own Junkyard that I would love to check out – if anyone wants to come along give me a shout?
Chris Bracey – Paradise Lost, 2013, Acrylic paint on reclaimed wood, aluminum and carnival light bulbs

Also, can we just take a minute to acknowledge how cool R’s back tattoo is?

So much going right here.

I know I’m posting too many of these, but I just can’t decide which one is my favourite.

I like them all.

A good moody shot in low light. How great does R look here?!

I’m pretty certain this is Agent Provocateur lingerie – the black strappy look is always very cool on camera.

Louboutins for the win. Always.

Look! I used a light!

This was just a crazy idea we tried. It almost worked, but I think the pane of frosted glass was just too small, even with R doing a great job of squeezing herself into it. It’s something I might try to develop as a set option in the studio, it’s got potential…

Red hot.

I’ve been waiting ages to shoot this dress. It’s the Angela Structured Dress by Bordelle and is stunning. If you’re looking for an investment piece you can get your own at Coco de Mer. I’ve seen it in a white/ivory colour that would be perfect for a unique bridal look.

Rock and roll. Animal print heels. Striking red hair. Creative use of available light (lamp). Agent Provocateur lingerie. It’s everything I love wrapped up in one image.

This smoky eye matches the atmosphere perfectly, another feather in Gemma’s cap.

We turned day into night for this shot. In retrospect, I could have used one more light or we should have maybe lost the stockings, but I still like it.

Gahhh that face!

Just a final few frames in a tuxedo jacket, which is another no-fail look for your boudoir shoot.

I’ll finish with this doozy – my favourite image from this boudoir session by a landslide. R – you were everything. Thanks for a fantastic shoot and being so very very brave. I hope you feel incredible because you certainly look it.
by Stormy Sloane | Jun 11, 2015 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Uncategorized

This shoot was inspired by Frida Kahlo (and a bunch of roses on clearance at the shop). A floral crown is such a fun way to celebrate spring and summer. I know it’s been done a million times but I still love it. Crissy’s olive skin tone and eyebrows helped us create a real Frida vibe on set. Crissy is actually Italian, but I wasn’t about to hold out for a real seniorita – if the food around here is any indicator, there are zero Mexicans in London anyway. *please send taco truck*

I made this rose crown in my kitchen. It took about 15 minutes, and although it wasn’t terribly comfortable I think it photographs lovely. If you’d like to try this for your own boudoir shoot, I’d be happy to knock one up for you too:)

Beautiful hair and makeup courtesy of Gemma, who has a real knack for choosing the perfect shade of red.

Crissy’s lingerie is black and fairly simple, but with enough detail to be interesting. It’s all high street stuff, proving yet again that you really don’t need to spend a fortune on lingerie for your boudoir shoot.

This was an idea we shot at the end of the day, and to be honest, it wasn’t sure if it was going to work. Because…it looked weird, as evidenced in the behind the scenes shot below:

Most of the frames look a little forced, but these two turned out beautifully. I can’t decide if I like Crissy’s hand up or down though. Thoughts?

A few final frames. I had always envisioned this concept on black.

The flowers do stand out more with the darker background, but to me the red is stronger and more interesting. Overall, a really fun shoot though.
Gemma, Crissy – beautiful work ladies! Always a pleasure.