by Stormy Sloane | Aug 28, 2017 | Hot off the Press
A little press coverage courtesy of McGlory Fashion Magazines’s “Boudoir Diaries,” featuring my shoot with Lairara at the Courthouse Hotel in Shoreditch. Sadaf Ahmad on makeup, Natalia Souza on hair, wardrobe by ASOS.

by Stormy Sloane | Feb 6, 2017 | Hot off the Press, Uncategorized
What a lovely surprise to win this bad boy! Such an honour to be awarded so highly by The Association of International Boudoir Photographers during their 2016 Year in Review.
Thanks to everyone involved, and a special thank you to everyone who hopped in front of my camera last year! Onwards and upwards:)
by Stormy Sloane | Jun 24, 2016 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Hot off the Press, TESTIMONIALS : What She Said
A lovely bit of press for the blog today…
I’ll let Olivia, my new favourite wedding planner, tell you about her experience in her own words. A few screen shots below, and a full writeup (plus some fun wedding mood boards, ideas, and advice) is available on her blog, Nulyweds.
Olivia is lovely, I thoroughly enjoyed working with her. I feel certain that if I hired her for a wedding everything would go smoothly and look more put together than I could possibly manage on my own. If you’re in the market for an organised, reliable wedding planner who loves bright colours and knows how to create a magazine-worthy tablescape, I’d check her out:)

“There I was. My big nose, my flat chest, my ski-like feet – all together, all beautiful. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It has been a week since I received the photos and I still haven’t come down from that inner sense of confidence. Every woman deserves to feel this way…”

by Stormy Sloane | Jun 4, 2015 | Hot off the Press, Uncategorized
Hot off the press:
My recent editorial with Olivia is out! You can find it in “The Perfection Issue” of SLiNK Magazine, which is available online, at Barnes & Noble stores in the US, or through lots of independent retailers in the UK and worldwide.
Mad love to our team on this shoot. I’ll be sharing some of our favourite images from the cutting room floor, so stay tuned for more. Until then, enjoy!
TEAM CREDITS: Model: Olivia Campbell (@curvycampbell) /// Makeup Artist: Debbie Purkiss (@debbiepukissmua)///Photographer: Stormy Sloane (@stormy_rebelandromance) /// Assistant: Mielie Passmore

by Stormy Sloane | Apr 3, 2015 | Hot off the Press, Plus Size Boudoir / Curvy Boudoir Sessions, Uncategorized
A little press feature today from PHILOSOPHIE Magazine, a magazine created by and for boudoir photographers. It’s great to be able to finally share a few of these images of Kate:)

I would like to mention that the text surrounding these images is not mine. Every photographer has their own style and methods, which is fantastic and how it ought to be, and Teri has offered some great ideas in this article. However, I unequivocally promise that I am not going to ask you to think about a steamy sex scene during a shoot with me. It’s an idea that makes me feel uncomfortable…for both of us:/ I’m not judging, it’s just not my style. I also promise I will never ask you to think about your significant other naked, a celebrity crush, etc. A bit like yelling “Work it baby!” I can only manage to get these words out of my mouth in a sarcastic, mocking tone at best;)

Again, this is not meant to be a judgement or criticism, it’s just that what I aim to do is a little different than most boudoir photographers. For me, boudoir is a lot less about overtly sexy looks and a lot more about confidence, attitude, bravery, and women feeling incredibly beautiful and comfortable – it’s a chance to see yourself in a new light. I personally find that asking a client (out loud) to have “sexy thoughts” makes her feel really exposed and incredibly uncomfortable, or at least that’s how I think I would feel if someone did this to me, lol!

We get gorgeous expressions in a roundabout way instead, with lots of chatting, posing, laughing, killer hair and makeup, and great wardrobe.
Anyway, tear sheets below and lots more to come from this shoot! Enjoy:)

by Stormy Sloane | Sep 4, 2014 | Hot off the Press, Uncategorized
Dear soon-to-be brides, bridesmaids, grooms, the recently engaged, and all other manner of people connected to weddings in the next year or so,
I’d be delighted to see you at my booth at The Wedding Fair at ExCel London the 20th and 21st of this month. If you weren’t planning on going but would like to, please get in touch – I have a handful of free tickets:) Just email me via the contact button above and I’ll pop them in the post for you.

We’ll have lots of product samples, great gift ideas for grooms/bridesmaids/maids of honour, and all the information you’ll need to decide if Rebel & Romance Boudoir Photography is your sort of thing. I’d love to answer any questions you might have and/or talk your ear off about how this all works. A few previous clients and my makeup artists are coming along too, so you can chat with them and get the inside scoop.
We’re doing a MASSIVE PRIZE DRAW, and one of you is going to win the boudoir lottery…to the tune of £2500 worth of Rebel & Romance experience and products. There are some very good runner up prizes too.
Seriously, bride or not you should come hang out with us and put your name in the hat. The fair has a massive champagne bar and a fashion show, plus odds are someone will be handing out cupcake samples. I’m told we’re next to a very popular cake maker, so I’ve got high hopes;)
by Stormy Sloane | Apr 3, 2014 | Hot off the Press, Plus Size Boudoir / Curvy Boudoir Sessions, Uncategorized
More media love for plus size / curvy Rebel & Romance bombshells today:)
Jolie, a German based website, contacted me a few weeks ago to ask if they could use a few images in a lingerie article they were working on. I of course said yes, and I’m pleased to see they’ve selected a few of Lorraine and Jada’s images to illustrate the feature.
I did attempt to use Google translate on the little text blurb beside each photograph, but what came out left something to be desired. It all seemed positive though, just a bit mangled – like the instructions that come with electronics assembled in China.
Screen shots below, or feel free to check out the original feature using these links:

Lorraine is wearing a great bra and brief set here, with matching lace panels. The panels act to distract the flow of your eye (similar to the colour blocking trend), so they can be very flattering on curvy bodies.

Look, I know it goes against everything you know about lingerie, but shapewear really can be sexy when it’s worn for a boudoir photo shoot. Jada is rocking a nude bodysuit here – it’s one of those sucky-in ones designed to hold everything in place. I asked her to bring it for her shoot, and I know that she thought I’d lost my mind, but I just kept saying, “Trust me, trust me!” And see? It looks really glam, but is also understated and shows off her body rather than what she’s wearing. Something like this is also a great option for women who would struggle to find a lacy, lingerie style bodysuit in an appropriate size, because these come in quite a lot of larger cup sizes.
Overall, two great wardrobe ideas, especially if you’ve got a curvy body type.
by Stormy Sloane | Mar 20, 2014 | Hot off the Press, Plus Size Boudoir / Curvy Boudoir Sessions, Uncategorized
Check out these beautiful, curvy women going absolutely VIRAL on Buzzfeed!
Big ups to Buzzfeed staffer Peggy Wang, who obviously had the average woman in mind when she selected her favourite images for this article, “33 Impossibly Sexy Boudoir Photo Poses.” I’m always honoured to photograph regular, everyday women, and it’s great to see a more realistic body shape getting some much deserved media love.
1.7 million views and climbing says you’re into the media supporting plus size / curvy / fuller figured women too. Thank you for your continued support. I hope images like these inspire you to give your own boudoir photo shoot a try!
View the article here: or continue below for the highlights.

A bunch of screenshots for your viewing pleasure:)

So many eyes! If you’ve recently joined us on Facebook or Instagram because of this article, welcome:)

My homegirl Olivia Campbell ( )looking beautiful as always. Beautiful makeup by Debbie Purkiss.

Miss Montana Allan, in makeup by Erin ( ), and Jada Sezer, in makeup by Lauren Christy and hairstyling by Anita Daly.

One more of Jada lounging luxuriously…

…and one more of Olivia and her fantastic hair to finish the article off.
Lots of new work coming soon. Also, stay tuned for a behind the scenes look at my boudoir sessions on location in New York City!
by Stormy Sloane | Dec 11, 2013 | Hot off the Press, Uncategorized
Hot off the Press: Winning Image Award from The Association of International Boudoir Photographers
On a whim, I entered an image from one of my recent shoots into a competition. I don’t normally spend much time chasing awards and accolades, but the theme was “Yellow,” all the submissions were coming from boudoir photographers, and I had just happened to make friends with a pretty yellow python on a boudoir photo shoot a few weeks before. I didn’t expect much to come from it, but last weekend I woke up to a lovely surprise;
We won!
Mucho gracias to the lovely Katrina, who looks absolutely stunning, Gemma our makeup artist for the day, and of course to Sunny the yellow python for nailing a killer pose.

There are a few additional images from this set that I’ll be releasing in the weeks to come. If you hate snakes please accept my apologies for creeping you on a somewhat regular basis. The rest of you – stay tuned for more slithery goodness.
by Stormy Sloane | Aug 6, 2013 | Hot off the Press, Plus Size Boudoir / Curvy Boudoir Sessions, Uncategorized
Hot off the Press: Rebel & Romance London Boudoir Photography Featured in VolUp2 Magazine
Just a quick post today to say that I’ve had a few images from my most recent shoot with plus size model Olivia and makeup artist Debbie published in the latest issue of VolUp2 Magazine.
VolUp2 Magazine describes themselves as:
” A bilingual English/French online quarterly magazine showcasing diverse beauty, with an emphasis on curvy women, and exploring the generosity of Mind, Body and Spirit. Brought to you by supermodel Velvet d’Amour.”
Print copies are available here. I’ll be doing a full post with images from this shoot on the blog next week, so tune in then if you’d like to see what we got up to.