by Stormy Sloane | Sep 10, 2018 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Destination Boudoir Sessions
Katie used a boudoir shoot to motivate herself at the gym following the birth of her daughter, who I think was about a year old when we shot these. A looming boudoir photoshoot sounds like a great strategy to keep you showing your face at the gym, and it clearly worked really well for her because she looks like a million bucks. I’m always curious what people are up to, so I asked about her workout secrets. She said her routine was mainly hot yoga. Now, I’ve never done hot yoga myself because let’s be honest, I wash my hair as little as possible, and a room that sweaty makes me think I’d definitely have to wash my hair after. I’m sort of thinking about it now though…
This shoot was part of my Nov. 2016 trip to New Orleans. If you’ve missed earlier posts, the reason I’m blogging these so late is a long, boring story that can be boiled down to two words: technical difficulties. Better late than never right? I’m pretending to hear you say yes.

by Stormy Sloane | Aug 13, 2018 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Destination Boudoir Sessions
Another blast from the past today.
Meet Miranda, a brilliant photographer, mother, wife, business owner, and more. How this woman does sooo many things, all so well, I’ll never know.
We got together for a quick photo shoot while we were both in New Orleans for the Association of International Boudoir Photographers retreat. The day was crazy with lots of shoots and multiple photographers all in one space, so I’m pleased it doesn’t show too much in the final images lol!
We did a couple quick outfits, I think the white lace bodysuit was my personal favourite, but see what you think:)

by Stormy Sloane | Jul 23, 2018 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Destination Boudoir Sessions
Here are some of my favourite images from albino, ginger beauty Lauren from New Orleans. If these look familiar, it’s because they are. It turns out I have about 12 blog posts from shoots in 2016 that just….didn’t post?! Haha ahhhh fuuuunnnnnn. Really smart of you to just realise this Stormy, really smart. Anyway, it’s too much work not to share just because they are a little old, so here’s the first one:
I arrived in New Orleans feeling a bit crap. This is normal – I love new places, but I don’t really enjoy the process of getting there. The lack of sleep, the heavy bags, flying coach for 12 hours, cankles, airport food, being bomb swabbed with my suspicious looking photography equipment at every security check, the jet lag – it’s exhausting. I was blaming a crazy schedule and too much talking, but it turns out I had case of bronchitis. My mom saved me with her “I’m a nurse so it’s okay for me to take the antibiotic samples home from the office” drug stash. Thanks mom.
All that to tell you this – never say no to New Orleans. It’s the most vibrant, amazing city. Full of great food, actual culture, beautiful buildings, and the nicest people. It’s crazy like Vegas, but not so dirty and soulless like Vegas. If you have the chance, it’s definitely worth a trip, even if you lose your voice and have to propel yourself along with willpower and caffeine.
One of my clients attended a wedding in NOLA the year before, and she tipped me off to the most amazing location. It was a fortune to hire this place but I don’t even care because omghaveyouseenit. I photographed a few great clients here and also one model. I’m trying to be very conscious about the “models” I work with these days because I have limited time, and I also know that it’s not that inspiring to see teenagers with perfect bodies posing in lingerie. But I saw Lauren’s profile and just couldn’t resist her unique look.
So I’ll start off this series of posts with Lauren’s session, which has since been published in online magazine The Quarterly in New Orleans. This was Lauren’s first lingerie shoot, and she did great despite being outside of her comfort zone. My roomie for the trip, the incomparable Michelle Carpenter, and I stopped by Urban Outfitters to pick up a few things, and then she came along to assist and shoot some behind the scenes footage, for which I’m obviously in her debt. You can see this in the “Behind the Scenes” section on my website. Michelle you are my photo homegirl forever.

by Stormy Sloane | Jul 16, 2018 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Destination Boudoir Sessions
*Fun fact: due to some (still not understood) technical issues, this post took 1 hour and 54 minutes to upload. So I hope you like it lol!*
I taught a 1-1 boudoir photography workshop in Austin, Texas recently, and lovely M was kind enough to be our posing guinea pig for a few hours. She was a literal godsend too, because we had a lot of issues. Mainly with the combination of a broken AC, 90+ degree weather, and a location that functioned exactly like a greenhouse. But, we soldiered on and got through it. Lucky we were shooting lingerie and not winter coats I guess!
Below are a few favourites from our time together:

by Stormy Sloane | Jul 9, 2018 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Destination Boudoir Sessions
Destination boudoir session in Italy
Start scene:
Setting: the most incredible apartment in Verona, Italy. Original details from centuries ago adorn, a stunning balcony overlooks the plaza below. The light is heavenly.
Enter scene right: Ms. D, beautiful 30something, self-styled to perfection. Boudoir photography session ensues as the afternoon sinks into golden hour. Much merriment and laughter. If the men on the vespas below could see us now, they would fling all their roses onto the balcony.
Mid-scene wardrobe change: Ms. D dons purple, the colour of royalty, via the most divine Agent Provocateur number from my personal collection. No one has ever worn it better.
As the sun sets, the shoot wraps. Another bucket list shoot compete. Fresh pasta and vino to follow.
End scene.
But, soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
(Romeo, Act 2 Scene 1)
I cannot imagine tiring of Italy. I think it might be the most romantic place on earth. The food is great, the colours are perfection, and the quality of the sunlight seems entirely different to anywhere else. Then again, maybe part of the rose coloured glasses is the fact that I eat only carbs while I’m there.
This shoot was a destination trip I planned a while back, and although most of what I photographed must be kept private, Ms. D is happy to have me share her triple fire emoji results here.
We chose Verona partly because there are easy, cheap flights from Gatwick, partly because of the location I found and fell in love with, and partly because it’s where Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet” was based. I’m not going to lie, it took us a minute to remember that Romeo & Juliet is a fictional story. There’s a tourist attraction called “Juliet’s Balcony” which is confusing given there was never actually any real Juliet’s balcony. It was swarming in tourists and looks exactly how you’d think it would, except smaller. Well, I suppose it does…it was undergoing renovation work when we were there so was covered in hoarding.There was a life size picture on the hoarding covering the actual balcony, which was never an actual place Juliet stood, because it’s a fictional story. It was anticlimactic to say the least.
The shoots were not though! I’ve got a bucket list of ideas in my head, and something like this was definitely on it. It doesn’t hurt that Ms. D is extremely easy on the eye, and so much fun to work with and be around.
Anyway, enough of me going on about it, here’s the goods:

by Stormy Sloane | Jul 2, 2018 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Destination Boudoir Sessions
Internet, meet Shailaun. We got together in Austin, TX recently for a boudoir shoot, and I’m really proud of the results.
Now, is Shailaun a beautiful alien and therefore unfair for the rest of us mere mortals to compare ourselves to? Yes. I think so. BUT, this shoot is great inspiration and further proof of lots of things I’ve been saying all along. Namely;
1) you do not need to have any experience to do this – this was S’s first lingerie shoot and the first time she’s ever worn something this intentionally “sexy”
2) you do not need hair of any particular type or amount to look really incredible.
3) it’s always worth getting up early for the best light, even if you’re really not a morning person
4) you do not need expensive lingerie for something like this. We used only things S already had, and one affordable set I picked up from Victoria’s Secret the night before that happened to fit her.
5) if you are a photographer, you must must make time to shoot things and people you genuinely feel inspired by
6) boudoir photo shoots are very good for your self-confidence, regardless of what you look like

by Stormy Sloane | Jun 25, 2018 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Destination Boudoir Sessions
Here’s a sneak peek of some of the destination boudoir sessions I’ve photographed recently. These took place in sunny Los Angeles, California and Austin, Texas. We were lucky to have excellent weather the whole trip, and I ate my bodyweight in tortilla chips. Thanks to these mega babes (and those not show for privacy reasons) for making it such a fun trip. If you want to see a bit more behind the scenes feel free to check out my Instagram story highlights. My Insta is @stormy_rebelandromance
Full posts and credits for each to follow:)

by Stormy Sloane | Oct 25, 2016 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Destination Boudoir Sessions
NYC Boudoir Photography: Anna
I’m so pleased to finally be sharing Anna’s NYC boudoir photography session with you. It’s been months since we met up in Brooklyn and created these images, but that means nothing – this shoot is definetly in my top 5 favourites of the year.
I’m struggling with what to tell you about Anna because I’m just so fangirl impressed by her. She’s gracious and cool and funny. She wears all the hats at once (wife, mother, entrepreneur, etc.). Plus, she’s got great style, and an effortless kind of beauty that can’t be denied.

Anna doesn’t wear much makeup in her everyday life, so she was understandably nervous about makeup for her shoot. Unfortunately, a lot of newer makeup artists just don’t know what to do with skin or facial features different from their own. It’s very common for black women to come away from a new makeup artist looking ashy and slightly dead. Anna introduced me to the official term for this, which I now use at all the time; “funeral face.”
I insist on professional, experienced makeup artists that come by way of recommendation whenever possible. If you’re in London, I’d be happy to recommend a few genius girls. If you’re further afield, it’s best to get a recommendation from someone you trust, or you can ask a great wedding or boudoir photographer in your area for a few suggestions. You also want to make sure there are women who look like you in the makeup artist’s portfolio. Don’t allow yourself to be the first and only Chinese face she or he has touched.
Thankfully, I had brilliant makeup artist Victoria with me, and we convinced our lovely client we knew what we were doing;) Of course the result turned out stunning, but with such natural beauty and incredible cheekbones I never had any doubt.

We started off with this cute cotton ribbed bodysuit with snap front. Anna is wearing her husband’s favourite earrings.

I like starting with a barefoot set. There’s a lot to think about when posing, and it helps if you’re not trying to balance in sky high heels right from the start.

If you’re like me and constantly have a hair band on your wrist, please help me remember to have you take it off lol! We usually catch it eventually, but missed in in this image on the right.


Historic woodwork and natural window light for these.

A quick wardrobe change and we have a completely different look – just add heels, a high waisted lace lingerie set, and throw your hair up.

For me, working on location is about making the best use of a space and it’s available light. Often (who am I kidding, always) this means I work up a sweat rearranging furniture, but it’s worth it. I do NYC boudoir photography sessions in a variety of locations, we can chat about the sort of look and feel you’re after for your own shoot.

Louboutins and booty for the win.

A high waisted knicker might not seem like your thing, but I’d encourage to give them a try. They are almost universally flattering, so you might like it better on your body than you do on the hanger.

A few gorgeous details.

Love love love these.

I mean, doesn’t Anna just look divine?

Hands down, my favourite image of the shoot. #slay

I love it so much I’m posting it twice.

A few floor poses. How much you’re able to arch depends on your flexibility and bone structure, but don’t worry – any amount makes for a great shot.

I’m a little bit obsessed with this image too.

A stretchy, form-fitting piece like this is great for showing shape and curves. They also tend to be more comfortable than regular lingerie and work well for bending and arching.

I hold shoots in lots of fancy and unique places, but it’s certainly not required. All you really need is simple bedding and good light.

I do quite like a window though.

A sneaky peek through the doorway…
…and these killer shoes;)

Anna, you blew the roof off. Until next spring!
P.S. If you’re interested in your own NYC boudoir photography session, please feel free to get in touch or add yourself to the list. My next planned trip is spring of 2017, and I’ll be setting dates and locations very soon:)
by Stormy Sloane | Jul 8, 2016 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Destination Boudoir Sessions, Plus Size Boudoir / Curvy Boudoir Sessions
Miss. N traveled a few hours from her home city to meet me for a shoot in Chicago. We really lucked out finding the most incredible venue, a salvage yard/store that also hires space out for weddings and the odd photo shoot. It was a dream of a space, floor after floor of old furniture and odd sets and big windows. If I lived in Chicago, I’d shoot here allthetime, so well done to Miss N for turning up such a gem of a location.

We started simply, with a figure-hugging long black dress. Doesn’t N look fab? Such a gorgeous canvas, with beautiful makeup by Chicago-based makeup artist Debbie, hair by yours truly.

Warehouses throw around the most interesting light.

We found this distressed old mirror and I loved beat up it was – perfect for a mysterious portrait.

Miss N was after an editorial, fashion-inspired vibe, so we tried to create images with a feeling of story and interest over lots of bodyscapes and detail shots.

I love the way the lights are reflected behind her in these.

I’m still a little bit in love with this pose. I’ve been trying it on everyone, everywhere, and it’s nearly universally flattering. Revealing this type of image to clients is one of my favourite things too – everyone is blown away by how great they look:)

Legs for days.

Please universe, send more of this sunshine to London. The irony that my name is Stormy, yet I cannot control the weather, is not lost on me.
The sexy shadows. N is wearing a simple bodysuit with a plunging v neck and black stilettos.

This art deco wall thing looked pretty weird in real life, but I saw potential. Miss N. was like, “up there? really?” but I persisted. Sometimes you just knoooow.


If you’re a fan of this outfit, you can pick up something similar for cheap, and it can be worn again later – pair it with jeans and a good jacket and you’ve got a ready to go date night outfit.
If standard sizes suit you, you’ll be spoilt for choice at ASOS. For bigger busted and/or curvy clients, options are (as is typical) a little more limited and ugly. If you need or want support, Figleaves has a few decent choices. If you’re not worried about built in support or overall longevity, Boohoo has a great selection of plus size bodysuit options with lots of cuts and fabrics.

Miss N loved the feel of a shoot I did with Jada in NYC, so she brought along this cozy cotton, long sleeve T and plain, high waisted knickers to replicate the look.

I love how effortless cotton feels. It’s a great option if you’re feeling a little nervous about showing lots of skin, or if you would like a non-obvious way to cover a midsection.

And then we found this magical angled mirror, which I am a little bit in love with. What’s better than one gorgeous woman owning her curves? Why 3 of course!

Miss N is wearing high waisted knickers here, and I think it give the images a little bit of that showgirl-gets-ready-backstage feel. We put her hair up in a super mess bun too.

We finished the day with another bodysuit, this one much more strappy and daring. People were getting married here the next day too….bwah ha ha ha;)

Miss N, thank you for a showstopper of a shoot, you brought the house down. Until next time!
by Stormy Sloane | Jul 1, 2016 | Boudoir Photo Shoots, Destination Boudoir Sessions
A little tattooed treat today – Mrs. A’s destination shoot in middle-of-nowhere Idaho:)
Mrs. A and I had originally chatted about a shoot the last time I was in America, but logistically we just weren’t able to make it work. Needless to say I was delighted when we were able to find a date and make it happen this go around. It’s such an honour working with clients who have been quietly stalking the blog for years, or putting off their shoot until we can find a way to be in the same part of the world at the same time. I’m so humbled by your support, I know it’s not an investment made lightly and that booking a boudoir shoot can be a very emotional, confronting things to contemplate. All I can say is thank you, I hear you, and I’ll do my absolute best to make it the best photographic experience you’ve ever had.
There are a hundred good reasons to do a boudoir shoot, but I think the best ones revolve around doing this for yourself. Mrs. A is a great example example. Mainly, this was about how she wants to feel – confident, beautiful, maybe still trying to prove to herself that feeling and looking sexy after having babies is a real thing. But, the Mr.’s birthday provided a very convenient excuse, and that’s win/win if you ask me.


We started in the shadows…

If you’re thinking wall art, something like this is super popular. It’s killer on acrylic – I’ll show you when you come for your shoot, and I’ll get something up on the blog eventually too.

It feels like ages since I’ve photographed someone with loads of tattoos. It’s so fun – I generally prefer lots of tattoos in colour, but these black and white frames work well too.

Perfectly positioned. I love Mrs. A’s pin-up meets alternative vibe.

The standing back arch. If you’re not sore the next day, you’re not doing it right.

With a few killer shots in the bag, we lightened up a little and had some fun:) A flowerly kimono here for a spring/summer feel.

Mrs. A did her own makeup and had her hair done pre-shoot by my friend and hairdresser extraordinaire Tia. Tia is a bit jet-setter these days, but when not on a plane you can find her at her Idaho Falls salon or on Instagram at @thahairbiz

Moody cuz we can!

With perfectly pin-curled hair, there was no way I was missing the chance for some beautiful vintage styling.

A is wearing a slip passed down through generations of the women in her family. GENUINE vintage people.

Ahhhhh yes. Let’s put her on the side of a plane already.

I was like, “Your bum is amazing.” And A was like, “what? oh….um, thanks but…[nervous, deprecating laughter].” And I was like, “OMG shut your face, I’ll prove it to you.” And then took this picture and showed it to her. And she lived happily every after, sure in the knowledge that she had the best bum in all the land. The end.

This purple lingerie set is from Victoria’s Secret. The colour matches her hair perfectly, so a great choice. If VS is not your style, we’ve also been having lots of luck with Boux Avenue sets.

Ohhhhh we so sneaky.

Seriously though, it’s fun. You’re going to love it.

Mrs. A, you were fantastic and strong and powerful and beautiful, and I hope these images help you feel that way every time you look at them. Thanks again for your help sourcing locations and being so very very brave.