Thanks for your patience!
Blogging has taken a backseat the last few years, so new posts will be sporadic at best. You’re welcome to have a look through the archives though, there are so many beautiful shoots to take inspiration from. If you’d like to see what I’m up to currently, the best place is Instagram – hope to connect with you over there! I’m @stormy_rebelandromance
An albino beauty with a ginger afro: Lauren’s NOLA boudoir photography shoot
Here are some of my favourite images from albino, ginger beauty Lauren from New Orleans. If these look familiar, it's because they are. It turns out I have about 12 blog posts from shoots in 2016 that just....didn't post?! Haha ahhhh fuuuunnnnnn. Really smart of you...
Curves and purple hair in Austin, TX
*Fun fact: due to some (still not understood) technical issues, this post took 1 hour and 54 minutes to upload. So I hope you like it lol!* I taught a 1-1 boudoir photography workshop in Austin, Texas recently, and lovely M was kind enough to be our posing guinea pig...
Romeo in love: destination boudoir photo shoot in Verona, Italy
Destination boudoir session in Italy Start scene: Setting: the most incredible apartment in Verona, Italy. Original details from centuries ago adorn, a stunning balcony overlooks the plaza below. The light is heavenly. Enter scene right: Ms. D, beautiful 30something,...
Shave your head and book a boudoir shoot already
Internet, meet Shailaun. We got together in Austin, TX recently for a boudoir shoot, and I’m really proud of the results. Now, is Shailaun a beautiful alien and therefore unfair for the rest of us mere mortals to compare ourselves to? Yes. I think so. BUT, this shoot...
LA + Texas Trip Recap: Destination Boudoir Sessions
Here's a sneak peek of some of the destination boudoir sessions I've photographed recently. These took place in sunny Los Angeles, California and Austin, Texas. We were lucky to have excellent weather the whole trip, and I ate my bodyweight in tortilla chips. Thanks...
NEW for the holiday: S P E C I A L O F F E R HALF OFF video sessions, for subscribers only. Want to become a subscriber? Click the link below, and the sign up form is at the bottom of the page. I'll send the offer code again on Friday,...
What She Said: A’s testimonial
What do you get the man who has everything? Well he doesn't have everything if he doesn't have a half naked book of you, right? 😉 Mrs. A made her husband's birthday one to remember. Here's the teensiest peek at what her boudoir photo shoot looked like. A says: Hi...
Boudoir Photography session: modeling portfolio top up
Gorgeous Nicole on the blog today. She was looking for a quick portfolio update, so we did a bit of everything this shoot - boudoir photography, fitness, commercial and lifestyle looks, etc. If you're looking to get into modeling, a shoot like this can help set you...
Moodier, darker boudoir session with Celine: Part 2
On the blog today: Celine PART TWO I could tell you how we got this double image effect, but then I'd have to kill you. Kidding, it's just a mirror. Simple floral and natural light. These doors are life. I knew I was going to love shooting them. There was a lot of...
Genie Bellini Lingerie Campaign Shoot
On the blog today: a few of my favourites from Genie Bellini Lingerie's campaign shoot Cool right? If anyone needs a Christmas idea for me, a custom Rebel & Romance neon sign is now at the top of my list. We did this shoot at a (packed) private member's club in...

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