Hi, I'm Stormy. I'm a boudoir photographer for women on a self love journey.

People always ask me how I got started doing this, and really, I just stumbled into it. I thought I was going to be a doctor. Then a lawyer. Then a nurse-practitioner. Then something in International Relations (I don’t think I even really knew what that was at the time, it just sounded like I’d get to travel a lot and meet interesting people). Anyway, several switched majors later, I was floundering when a local photographer asked me to “model” for her.
I actually really dislike being in front of the camera (so no worries if you do too), but I was flattered so I thought I would just go along with it. We shot outside on the top of this steep hill above my university. It was a freezing cold morning, too early, really windy, and I was wearing an uncomfortable sleeveless dress and precarious heels. I should have hated it, but for some reason I had the best time?! I was SO curious about what the photographer was doing. I must have asked her 75 questions, enough that I’m sure she regretted her choice of model by the end. To be totally honest the pictures weren’t even that great in the end, but it didn’t matter – I was hooked.
A few weeks later, I was surfing photography forums in chem lab. I bought a copy of Photoshop from Staples. I’d started saving tip money from my waitressing gig in one of those purple velvet Crown Royal bags, but when I realised it was going to take me approximately 12 years to scrape together enough for a real camera, I knew it was time to make a real decision. That summer, I bought my first real camera with student loan money. It was the most expensive thing I’d ever owned, worth more than all the crappy cars I’d driven combined, and my hands shook the entire call. It was the start of it all really.
It took me a while to find boudoir photography. I did a lot of other things first, but this genre was a perfect fit and it will forever have my heart. If you think we are just taking sexy pictures, let me be the first to tell you that you’ve got it all wrong. It’s so much more than that. This is the work of showing ordinary women how extraordinary they really are, of building self-confidence that once seemed impossible, and there’s just nothing else like it.
Boudoir photography should be a beautiful, intimate, modern, and empowering experience. If it’s not that, I’m not interested.
So! I’m Stormy, and I’ll be your photographer for any session with Rebel & Romance Boudoir Photography. I know it’s no easy feat getting half naked in front of a stranger, so I make it my job to help you feel as comfortable as possible right from the get go. I’ll be your cheerleader and your coach from day one. It’s hands on, and I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way. I promise to create the most beautiful images of you that I possibly can, and to make sure we have a good time doing it too. By the end of it, you’re going to feel unstoppable.
Nobody wants to read a really lengthy bio and we’re already in danger of that, but I know it’s nice to get an idea of whether or we’ll get on or not. I’m really nice though, we almost certainly will. In a nutshell, I’m your average, friendly American girl. I love (good) Mexican food and coffee. I have a husband, a toddler, and a newborn, and all live in Southern France where we are renovating a big property to be a really cool wedding/event/workshop/shoot location. I still work mainly shoot in London though, just with slightly more selective dates available.
Honestly, I think the only thing you really need to know about me is that I’ll probably be more excited about your shoot than you are. I’m THAT invested in this lol!
“Stormy” is not a name I made up for myself to sound cool – it’s my honest-to-goodness real name. I don’t even have middle name, so I’m pretty much stuck with it. To the disappointment of everyone, my parents are not hippies, and I was not born during a thunderstorm.
I grew up in a very small town in a place called Idaho. It’s where the movie “Napoleon Dynamite” was filmed, or if that reference means nothing to you, it’s very cowboys and Indians / Little House on the Prairie. It was never my scene. I’d been plotting my escape since before I can remember, so when I met my now-husband (who is British), it was a pretty easy decision. Ironically, I now live in the middle of a bunch of fields again though *eyeroll* so joke’s on me.
I shoot regularly in London, UK, and the southern part of France. Paris is easy too. I also travel for international clients; you’ll find me shooting Destination Sessions in the USA once or twice a year, and there are usually a few other European cities on the lineup as well. I’d love to chat with you about how a shoot works, regardless of where we schedule it.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.
You can reach me easiest via email at: [email protected]
For social media, I’m most active on Instagram and would love to connect with you there: @stormy_rebelandromance