
“I KNEW IT!!!!! I knew you were the photographer for me. These pictures are beyond what I imagined and exactly what I was looking for. I’m so happy I waited for you. Thank you so much. You made me look and feel beautiful. Words can’t express … (Sniffle).”

– Anna

ARGGGGGGHHHH  OMMMMMMMYYYYYYFUUUCKING GOD!!!!  Is that me???? I’m crying in the car in front of Target !! These are beyond beautiful, I can’t even believe how beautiful these are. Thank you!!!! You have no clue of how amazing you’ve made me feel.

-Michelle (her reaction to seeing her images for the first time)

Today I turned 50….

It’s funny I still feel like the little girl sitting in 3rd grade who all of the sudden got a funny sick feeling in her tummy when I realized the boy next to me was looking at me, and he was no longer yucky but maybe kinda cute.

Birthdays have always been a time of celebration, except 30. 30 was hard. I gained weight from babies, I didn’t have my mommy act in order, I definitely did not feel like that sexy 20 something, so that year I cried… a lot! I did fear the older birthdays, and in no way did I think they would come as fast as they did. That was the year I wrote my bucket list of things I thought would make me happy. A trip to Paris, a motorcycle, a home, pose in Playboy, a convertible, travel the Caribbean, travel alone, raise my children to be good human beings.

Then one day I woke up and there it was, 6 months until 50 and only 3 things crossed off my list….arghhhh turning 50 was def going to be scary. So that day I booked a retreat to New Orleans traveling alone. My nerves and stomach felt just like that day in 3rd grade. Goodness I’m scared! So I had the trip booked with no place to stay, and I didn’t know anyone else on the retreat I was going on. On the message board was this person Stormy and she needed a roommate, ok I said to myself I’ll ask her. She seemed nice enough in her response…uh oh she’s from London not the US, is she going to show?? Is she some wild crazy chick??? What am I doing?? All questions running through my mind…

So the retreat comes and I am extremely pleased that Stormy is a nice, normal girl with a vibrant personality and a warming smile. She immediately made me feel like we were best friends forever. We talked about family and the places we lived. I told her of my momentous birthday and my list. She then talked me into a shoot… convincing me she would go slow and at my pace. She guided me through poses and made me laugh the entire time. Never once did I question what I was doing, we were playing like two little girlfriends at a sleep over party. My session with her was about 45 mins. After it was done I felt pretty confident in myself. No longer were the mommy stretch marks or the wrinkles on my face in my mind. I felt strong, I felt confident, hell I felt 20 something again. No bottle of cream or new pair of red soles has ever made me feel like this! She helped me obtain the most amazing gift for my birthday, confidence in myself again! Something I never would have dared to write on my bucket list at 30, because I thought that was the one thing that was unobtainable.

Thank you Stormy. You’ve made me feel beautiful and full of life, and I will live the second half of my life with as much youth as my first! These images are only proof that beauty is all in your mind, and a smile is the sexiest thing you can wear!

~ xo Michelle

Stormy has boudoir photography down to a fine art, so when I had the opportunity to shoot with her again and bring my other half with me, I was on cloud nine. The whole experience with Stormy is of no comparison. It was amazing to feel so at ease and see my boyfriend getting on like we were a group of old friends, talking fine dining, job quirks and cute pet prospects whilst shooting glorious imagery. Stormy radiates calmness and positivity because she is such a genuine and uplifting person to be with. I was naturally quite nervous of this photoshoot because not only I am so insecure about my smile but Steve was never exactly a ‘photo kind of guy’ but I was confident that Stormy, with her keen eye and gentle prompts, wouldn’t do anything that was less than fantastic and the images are the proof in the pudding. Stormy made us both feel like we were magnificent together and the photos reflect that calm, happy and comfortable feeling on camera resulting in the most beautiful pictures of us. I definitely welled up when I saw them because having something so perfect of someone you adore is just indescribable. Here’s to my new favourite photo of us both smiling! Who’d have thought it? – Cassie

If you’d have told me 10 years ago that I’d be in front of a camera I would have laughed, because I am the last person who would consider having general photos at the pub, let alone a boudoir shoot. But now, I can say nothing has made me feel so good. I was nervous and shy at the thought of being in my underwear in an intimate setting with my girlfriend, but I soon realised, after meeting Stormy, that everything was going to be fine. Stormy’s nature being so welcoming, friendly and conversational made the whole experience really enjoyable, and when I saw the photos it certainly exceeded my expectations. Seeing yourself in such a light for the first time really is sensational, I’ve never seen myself as a handsome man, but this experience has made me feel more confident. I’m definitely not ashamed to say I showed everyone those photos because they made me so proud and happy and it was wonderful being able to share that with an amazing photographer and the woman of my dreams. – Steve


I don’t really know how to thank you properly. Would a million dollars work? Kidding. Seriously, when I saw the first batch of photos, I cried. Big, ugly tears. It has been almost 3 years since I saw myself as a woman, as the strong woman that I know I am. It’s been 2 years since I even felt beautiful and you changed that in one shoot. Every time I have a bad day, I go back and just remember the first image that I saw and I just breathe out all the self consciousness. I really just want to walk around showing everyone my pictures but that can be a little awkward when you first meet someone. From the moment we met on Skype, I felt instantly comfortable with you. It can be so daunting getting *almost* naked with someone with a camera staring at you but you made me forget about how I FELT like I looked within a couple of minutes. 
Thank you for making sure I remember not only that I am a gorgeous woman, but I am a strong, resilient, gorgeous woman no matter what size I am. I cannot wait till our next shoot! 
xo Emma

I can’t thank you enough for making me feel so free and able to do the shoot. I had so much fun. I never thought I would be able to do it, but you put me truly at ease. Can’t wait to give them to my husband as a gift!
Carrie Ann

Everyone wants a confidence boost now and then, or maybe you just want to remind someone in your life how lucky they are to have you. No matter your goal Stormy can help you accomplish it. I can’t remember a time I’ve felt more glamorous than I did shooting on the streets of London, high heels on and Stormy with camera in hand. She instantly puts you at ease, something I loved about her the first time we shot together three years ago. It’s not always easy to feel comfortable in your underwear, but Stormy makes you feel classy and beautiful and turns out killer photos on top of it all. I’m always ecstatic with the work she does and I’d shoot with her any chance I get.

I absolutely love these pictures! I’m so taken aback at how beautiful they are! Thank you so much again for doing the shoot and helping me through it.

– Olivia

Below is an excerpt from Olivia’s wedding blog, nulyweds, in which she describes her boudoir experience:

When someone says ‘boudoir photography’ or ‘lingerie shoot’ it often brings up a very distinct image in our minds. The kind of photoshoot a vain, barbie doll does in attire fit for a lady of the night, shot in a seedy, dark basement by a photographer with excessively oily hair. We think of it as an exercise for the kinky or overly confident.

‘I would never do something like that’ and for a long time I thought the same.

However there has been a steady increase in popularity for boudoir shoots empowering women with that Gok Wan touch of How to Look Good Naked. All of a sudden, women of all shapes and sizes were quietly giving it a go as a gift to their husbands. Reclaiming that sexiness and adding some spice. It’s particularly popular with brides so naturally, I gave it a go (not so quietly).

I was suitably shy at first. I researched the field thoroughly and chose a photographer that I felt would fit the aesthetic I wanted. Soft and pretty. At our consultation Stormy made an real effort to understand me, bring out my confidence and tailor the shoot to my style which made me feel at ease. On the day itself, I was treated to full hair and makeup of my choosing and I brought my favoured outfits for the day. A couple of deep breaths, some initial test shots and off we went.


Stormy was like a cheerleader coaching me through every pose. I was shocked by how in tune I felt with my body. I wasn’t just thinking about pushing my bum out, but also about how soft my hands were, elongating my shape, making myself giggle for the perfect smile. It was hard work but I had never felt so pretty, concentrating on only myself for those few hours.

A couple of weeks later the photos were ready. I met with Stormy again to go through them and could not believe what I saw.


A rush of pride and prettiness went straight to my head. There I was. My big nose, my flat chest, my ski-like feet – all together, all beautiful. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It has been a week since I received the photos and I still haven’t come down from that inner sense of confidence. Every woman deserves to feel this way which is why I’m putting this out there.

You may be tall. You may be small. You may be curvy. You may be skinny. Whatever your shape, colour, style or creed you deserve to feel beautiful inside and out. A boudoir shoot can show you a side of yourself you never thought you’d see. Someone who is confident, sexy and ready to take on the world. It can also allow you to be selfish, planning your outfits and pampering yourself with mani-pedis to prepare for the day. If you really want to boost your self confidence, this is a unique way to push your limits (and also makes a great cheeky present for the Mister or Mister-to-be)

The photographer of these beautiful shots is Stormy Sloane from Rebel & Romance Boudoir Photography. Stormy is an expert at making you feel comfortable and bringing out your playfulness. You can completely tailor your experience from the location and makeup to the feel of the shoot. Check her out on the links below and tell her Olivia sent you!

I first met Stormy as a boudoir client in 2012. I adored her fresh, natural and sensual style that in my view changed the London boudoir photography market for the better, encompassing a more sensual and fashion orientated look. Many boudoir photographers have come up over the years in the city, but in my view Stormy, as a photographer and artist, will always remain a forerunner of the scene. When I started Genie Bellini and began looking for photographers, I realised that there was only one photographer I felt I could trust to photograph my first collection. I find Stormy really easy to work with, she is happy to listen to all your crazy ambitious ideas and input a more realistic vision based on the brainstorming. Being a designer it is sometime hard to visualise through a lens and Stormy is always ready at hand to explain. Most importantly boudoir photography is different from fashion photography, and Stormy is able to do both without question. I was a little nervous that my images, although always immaculate, would appear as a boudoir shoot and not focus on the product. However Stormy adapted immediately, and the images produced met the best of both words with a great editorial edge. She also took time to get to know my products and experiment with them. My model and make up artist were really at ease working with Stormy, and she directed them in the most professional sense – a necessity when dealing with lingerie and partial nudity. Having previously modelled myself, I know first hand how quickly a photographer with a bad attitude can ruin a shoot and produce strained images. Instead, Stormy brought out the best in everyone, even though it was a stressful situation and a pressurised environment. Achieving the right pictures for the first face of your brand so important, and Stormy really delivered for me. I strongly recommend Stormy for anyone putting a lingerie brand for the first time on the market. Thank you Stormy again for my wonderful images. -Eugenie


“Whoohoo! These are really amazing! What a fun and awesome day! I really loved shooting with you, but beyond that- I had an absolute blast getting to know you better! You’re an awesome woman and it’s so interesting how when you are focused on certain energies those same ones get introduced into your life. Can’t wait for our next shoot in London.” – Melody

“I met Stormy over five years ago, and she was the first camera I was in front of for any sort of ‘modelling’ session. Since then we’ve worked together at least 5 times. She has always been exceptional at her craft, but this was a whole new experience. Having been involved with Stormy since the start of her career I can tell you that she is meant to be doing this.

Over the last year I have gone through a pretty significant transformation, most noticeable is my 70 lb. weight loss. It’s been an adjustment to feel confident in my body, and as a Health Coach I am often overly critical of my figure. Stormy has a way of making you feel free and beautiful just with her presence. She makes it easy to be comfortable with her clear, articulate directions and has an impeccable ability to see all the tiny details like stray hairs or a piece of grass in the way to ensure the shot is flawless.

Looking at the photos from my session was a liberating experience. Yes, Stormy is an unbelievably talented photographer and she knows how to take a beautifully executed shot but that’s isn’t what separates her from others. It’s her ability to capture a women being authentically her. Being around Stormy is a trusting and loving experience where you are free to be as you are and she instinctively knows the exact moment to press the shutter to capture the real you.

Thank you Stormy for helping me to see myself and my body for what it really is. It has helped me on my journey in accepting and learning to love myself more than I can put into words. I have appreciated every opportunity in the past to work together but this time was life changing. You have reached a point in your talent that it almost scares me to know you are going to continue to get better.

If you have even a hint of intrigue to shoot with Stormy, listen to that voice. She doesn’t make you look beautiful, she captures your authentic beauty. You deserve to see yourself as the rest of the world does, beautifully YOU.

– Shante

Hi Stormy,

AHHH! I am completely blown away and in total awe! The set definitely has been worth every bit of the wait. <3



We’ve all heard the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” but it’s meaning doesn’t normally pertain to feelings about one’s self.  I’ve been blessed from an early age to be surrounded by loved ones who constantly told me I was a beautiful person, even during those odd, awkward stages of life.  Despite the daily affirmations from those around me, I did not feel beautiful.  When I looked in a mirror, all I was able to see were the things about myself that I deemed wrong and flawed.  It was in one of those moments of extreme self-deprecation that I realized I had to do something, anything, to try and see for myself what others had always been telling me.  That is how I was able to find Stormy and to begin working with her.  
     Right from the start, speaking with Stormy was like speaking with a close friend right.  She had a way of making me feel safe and welcome to share what was going on in my head and heart, and to share the real reason behind getting the photos done.  On the day of the shoot I was filled with nerves, but also excited for the unknown.  The entire primping and pampering process with Stormy and her team was wonderful.  It was one big laugh fest, which completely put me at ease.  Once the camera was finally taken out, my nerves were actually gone.  Stormy was fantastic at giving directions and suggestions on how to pose and what to do, which was incredibly helpful for someone who can be as awkward in their own skin as I am.  At the end of the shoot, I felt so empowered and alive.
When I met up with Stormy to view the photos, I was left speechless.  Her ability to capture the things she does is undeniably a God-given talent.  Before this, I had never seen photos of myself that I loved right from the start.  It honestly took me a moment of just staring at the photos to wrap my head around what was unfolding around me.  Working alongside Stormy, I picked out the top contenders for a photo album. This was a legitimately difficult task, because for once there were so many choices to choose from.  An excellent dilemma to have for a change!  
When I received the photo book in the mail and opened it up, I got tears in my eyes.  I was so happy.  In front of me was good, hard proof of the things that my family and friends had told me from the start, proof that even I could not deny.  I am a beautiful person; I know this now, even if I still have issues with myself from time to time.  Stormy was able to extract things from myself that I was not willing or able to embrace.  She allowed me to see the good and beauty that I possess, for now and forever.  

I had admired Stormy’s work from a distance for many years, since she is in the UK and I am in Dallas, Texas I thought it would be a long shot that I would ever get to shoot with her. I found out that she would be in New Orleans for a Boudoir Retreat that I was also attending and I jumped at the opportunity to shoot with her. After we confirmed our photo-shoot, I knew this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity and so I really wanted to make the most of it. I decided to use this shoot as motivation to lose the remaining weight I had gained from my recent pregnancy. Having this photoshoot on the calendar really provided me with the incentive I needed to lose those last 15 pounds. I also had a few months to really plan my outfits and to find pieces that I felt worked well on my body.

Stormy was very easy and professional to work with from the very beginning. She made sure to clarify what the process and timeline would be like. She then gave me the option to either do my own hair and makeup or to use her professional artist. Despite being pretty good at my own hair and makeup, I decided to treat myself and pay for the professional makeup artist. I am so thankful that I went this route as it enabled me to relax before our shoot and the makeup artist, Miranda Richards really did a great job and made me feel and look gorgeous. Stormy helped me decide on which outfits and accessories I should wear and then it was time to shoot. Stormy’s demeanor is very polite and gentle and she guided me through some very easy and natural poses and facial expressions. She made me feel very comfortable throughout the entire process and she was able to organically bring out my personality in the images she shot.

When I saw my images I was blown away, I have never felt so feminine, sultry and beautiful before! My body type tends to build muscle very easily and I was very nervous that I would look too muscular or a bit masculine in my images, but this was not the case at all. She knew exactly how to get me to move my body to create a softness and feminine beauty that I feel is very unique to her style of shooting. The images that Stormy created of me are timeless and very classy and will be treasured for a lifetime. I am planning on getting some of these images enlarged for my master bedroom and bathroom. I highly recommend Stormy for your boudoir photography experience. The entire experience from our first contact through the end was very professional, organized and a top notch experience.

– Katie

My R&R experience started in the wee hours of the morning on a chilly spring night in Alaska, armed with a cocktail and a good friend. I had just been accepted into grad school in London, and in a few months I would be leaving my hometown and my boyfriend for a year across the pond.  I was excited, nervous, and also a bit bummed out to be completely honest.

Our six year anniversary was coming up soon after I was leaving, and I knew I had to do something really big to make the day special since we would be across the world from each other. My girlfriend and I started brainstorming ways I could surprise him, but every idea fell short. Finally, I took a deep breath, turned to her and said, Ok, so dont think Im crazy, but what if… I had photos taken for him?”She jumped on board immediately and was overwhelmingly excited by the idea. I, however, started regretting saying it almost immediately.

You see…. I’m awkward. Not sexy. I’m a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. I like make-up, but most days I don’t wear any. I rock the side braid or top knot because hair styling appliances make me nervous. And though I owned lingerie, I hardly wore it aside from special occasions and always felt self-conscious in it. What in the world was I thinking?

My friend whipped us up some stronger drinks and we grabbed our laptops to delve into the online world of London boudoir photography.

Since you’re here, you may already realize that not all boudoir photography is created equal. The first few websites I saw made me feel, for lack of a better word, icky. Feather boas, big crunchy hair, and soft focus images filled my browser like something out of a bad retro lads mag. This was just not going to cut it.

Next, I found the self-esteem traps. Websites flashing their over-edited photos boasting, YOU COULD LOOK LIKE THIS!” over and over again. Those people didn’t want to make me feel beautiful. Those people wanted me to feel low and come to them in hopes of being redeemed.  I felt dejected and a little bit offended. I was already feeling insecure, I didn’t need any extra help from them. And I certainly wasn’t going to give them my money.

Honestly, as clichéd as it may sound, I was ready to give up and go back to the drawing board. I had been doubting the idea already and the internet was not redeeming it. And then, in some crazy Goldilocks moment I found just the right photographer: Stormy. I went through her photos, loving all of them, and her bio felt like she had read my mind. This wasn’t supposed to be about proving I was pretty or sexy enough – it was supposed to be about celebrating being my beautiful self. After sitting in silence for a few minutes I said, “Jane, I think I’ve found it.” She replied, “Ok, but I really want you to look at this website too because this girl seems like the perfect fit.”Lo and behold, we were both on the Rebel & Romance website. And my appointment was booked within a few days.

My shoot was scheduled just a couple weeks after I arrived in London to ensure that there was plenty of time to edit and order my photos before our anniversary. The day before my appointment I nervously admitted my plans to a couple of my new classmates and they, being the ever responsible and awesome ladies that they are, said, “We’re not letting you go alone to take you clothes off in front of a stranger. Time to get comfortable with us because we’re coming with!” So I showed up the next day at Stormy’s studio with two unexpected guests and a whole lot of nerves.

She could not have been more gracious! She greeted me at the door with a hug and a big smile, and I felt like I had arrived at the home of an old friend. We sat and chatted about what we were going to do, the amazing makeup artist Deb discussed some options with us and we started getting ready. Before I changed into my first outfit I told Stormy, “If you can make awkward into sexy we will be golden.” While she probably didn’t expect quite so much nervous giggling and the spectacular impersonation of a T-Rex I provided while wobbling out of the dressing room in a strappy body suit and heels, she couldn’t have been more professional or kind.

Maybe it goes without saying, but I left the studio that day feeling like a whole new woman. I felt feminine. I felt confident. I felt sexy. And that high? Still hasn’t gone away after almost a year and a half following our shoot. My self-esteem has sky rocketed since that day and more and more I find myself embracing my feminine side and upping the sex appeal just a little bit. I was so thrilled with the beautiful photos she captured (that still felt very much like me) that I asked her to shoot a couples session of my boyfriend and I when he came to visit. We never take photos (together or otherwise) and I thought if anyone was going to be able to capture our personalities it was her. And she delivered once again.

I can’t speak highly enough of my experience with Stormy. She’s professional, she’s kind, and quite frankly she’s a whole lot of fun. If I could do it all over again I absolutely would. And who knows, maybe I will, I can always do for another trip to London! So if you’re feeling like taking the plunge, believe me when I say this is an investment that you won’t regret. Prepare to realize just how beautiful you are!


Tia says,

”In my adult life, being in front of the camera has always been uncomfortable for me. As a makeup artist and stylist, I prepare clients to be photographed, not the other way around. Stormy and I have worked together in the past and I knew her talent. Her images are fantastic and the women she has photographed are absolutely beautiful! What I didn’t know was how beautiful I would feel being photographed, and how it would carry over in my daily life. As I stared at my wardrobe, before the shoot, I felt sweaty and anxious. I was nervous as hell to pose in my UNDERWEAR and had no idea how to position my body in a flattering way. I didn’t know what to do with my hands, clothes, face…ahhhh! Stormy helped with my wardrobe making sure aesthetically, everything was in harmony and we began! I took my first pose and she has this way of authenticating your pose; waiting for you to settle into yourself a little. She makes very direct and clear adjustments- chin down, drop your leg, relax your hand, etc… I never felt awkward or uncomfortable!I left the set feeling incredible, beautiful and confident and she hadn’t even shown me a photo yet. I trusted by the experience that she had made me look incredible and real. That’s all I needed…or so I thought. When she sent the email invite to the gallery for the shoot, the cover photo was stunning. At first glance, I didn’t know it was me. Viewing the gallery confirmed that I had never felt or looked more beautiful than I did that day. I am sure I stand a little taller and shine a little brighter these days. Having an incredible photo of yourself and seeing you as someone else sees you is an experience of a lifetime. Thank you so much Stormy, your talent and empowerment is so inspiring. I cherish our experiences together and I hope there are many more in the future!!”


The decision to undertake a boudoir shoot as a wedding present for my husband to be was a big one. Whilst I was totally confident he would love the present, I wasn’t so confident about taking my clothes off in front of a stranger, especially as I have issues around my pregnancy stretch marks.

I spent a long time researching boudoir photographers on the internet. At 44 it was important that my album was a relatively natural and classy affair and so many of the sites I came across showed photographs of over made up women, obviously airbrushed doll-like photographs or cheesy poses (I know, I know, pretend I didn’t do the police shots!). When I came across the Rebel & Romance website I was immediately struck by the beautiful photographs, which were exactly what I was looking for, but I also loved the personal tone to the website content.In person Stormy was exactly the same and I was really impressed that it was equally as important to her as it was to me, that we struck up a rapport before agreeing to go ahead with a shoot. With this in mind, turning up on the day wasn’t nearly as scary as I had expected – I was far more nervous that my fiancé would phone and ask where on earth I was!Venturing out of the bathroom in my first set of lingerie was a little bit odd, but by the second set I was totally at ease. Stormy chose poses to hide the areas I wasn’t comfortable in showing and throughout the shoot had me naturally laughing, which was a relief as beforehand I was a little worried I would look like a rabbit in headlights in all the photographs.I was really nervous meeting Stormy to see the photographs, but I couldn’t have been happier. In fact I did keep wondering if it was really me – surely I couldn’t look quite that good?! I was so excited! The worst part of the whole experience was keeping the secret until the day before my wedding. I had this amazing album hidden in my wardrobe and couldn’t tell a soul.But it was worth the wait. My fiancé couldn’t believe his luck and the wedding photos of us chatting during the ceremony are actually him telling me how amazing his present was! -A

“Hi Stormy, We are now back home now and getting over our jet lag. I wanted to write to you as soon as we saw the pictures, but we got a bit busy. So here goes…WOW!!!! really Stormy, it was absolutely exquisite. You really have given us a wonderful experience and a memory we will physically treasure always. Thank you for that. Thank you for making it so comfortable and enriching in every way. I can never remember my mirror showing me that fantastic a body :)))) Lying on a cold floor has never been so rewarding…Please convey my thanks to your makeup artist Gemma too, she was absolutely wonderful with her work and her personality…and you both make a wonderful team. My husband and I genuinely thank you for all that you have created, and wish you and Gemma all the very best and success in all that you do. Warm regards, Mrs. P”

Miss K says, “I’d been wanting to do a boudoir photography shoot for ages, and finally took the plunge. I quickly noticed a lot of formulaic, darkly-lit studios where they put all their customers in the same, pre-arranged poses. Stormy is genuinely different because she offers a completely bespoke experience. When you see her photos, you can see straight away that people’s individual personalities really shine through. She has a background in fashion photography, and this comes through in her photography style – sexy and sensual, but without the cheesiness that you get at other places. Rather than throwing you in at the deep end with a photoshoot straight away, she meets you in person for an informal chat first, asks you what you’re looking for, and really listens but also offers suggestions that are tailored to you.One of my main requirements was that I wanted to be photographed without makeup, because I never wear it, and didn’t want to be transformed into someone else. All the darkly-lit studios refused, saying that I’d look washed out under their strong studio lights. A couple of others agreed to do it in theory, but I could tell they were a bit confused by my request. But Stormy really understood me and my style, and she’s a big fan of natural light, so it wasn’t a problem at all. A makeup artist is usually included as part of the package, but if you want to go without, just ask!I was really nervous before the photoshoot, but this wore off after about five minutes. It was so much fun! The process itself was such an enjoyable experience – you basically get to be a model for the day, with your own personal photographer, and I felt fabulous and sexy all afternoon. I was looking forward to seeing the photos, but the experience itself was one I’ll never forget.The photos are amazing! I feel like the most beautiful version of myself, which is exactly what I was looking for. I love my photo album and will keep it forever. Best wishes, Miss K

I’ve honestly delayed writing this testimonial a bit because I couldn’t think of a way to best convey how amazing an experience it’s been working with Stormy. From my very first email to her, through to the build up of the shoot, the shoot itself and even on through to post-shoot picture selecting, she has been SUCH a pleasure!! She is the consummate professional while at the same time, completely accessible, friendly and simply great at easing any and all concerns. I did my shoot strictly for myself, mostly as an exercise in self-appreciation and self esteem boosting. I was super nervous, had never done anything like it before and could not have found a better person to work with. She even managed to pick THE perfect boutique hotel for me. Honestly, it was almost spooky how perfectly matched I felt to the room. Stormy provides a 5 out of 5 stars service!If you haven’t already done so, you need to look at ALL of her pictures. One of the things that attracted me to Stormy was seeing how she made a woman in body shaping undergarments and rollers (typically not considered sexy attire) look AMAZING!! That’s not to say the woman herself isn’t beautiful. Clearly, she is. But I suppose that’s the point. All of us carry our own sort of beauty and Stormy is simply brilliant at helping to bring out our most beautiful selves and captures it on film. Now several of my friends and family members are hoping to do their own shoots and I’m just trying to figure out an excuse to work with Stormy again myself… Best, Ms. K

My shoot with Stormy was nothing short of fantastic! I have done a few photo shoots in the past, but my shoot with Stormy is easily one of the best shoots that I’ve ever done. I was made to feel welcome from the moment I walked in, and I felt so comfortable working with her. She clearly has a strong understanding of how to bring out the best in every person she photographs. When I received the finished photos I was completely blown away! Not only are the photos flattering and well edited, but I feel like I can see the true version of myself looking my absolute best in them, rather than someone else’s idea of how I need to be changed and edited to qualify as ‘beautiful’. The photos are phenomenal, and I absolutely love them. Everyone I’ve shown the photos to loves them too! Thank you for such an amazing experience Stormy, I can’t recommend you highly enough!” -Imogen

Hi Stormy, My husband absolutely loved it and was completely blown away by it!!! Thank you so much for everything, the book looked beautiful! Funnily enough, my favourite picture was also his favourite! A x

Hi Stormy

It’s been a long time! I hope you are well. I have been following you on Instagram and can see you have been super busy and continuing to create just stunning work.
 I was just looking through my photos yesterday and I am not sure I ever properly thanked you for how incredible they are. I know we were just moving when they got delivered so I feel like I never expressed it at the time. It really was such a great experience and such an amazing keepsake.
So just wanted to say thanks again!! It’s been a few years and it is still one of the best purchases I have ever made on myself! 
All the best,

Hi Stormy, Thank you so much! I’ve had some great feedback on the photos already, and my agents love them! I hope you have a great lead up to Christmas and look forward to working with you again sometime soon! Annie xx

The first time I shot with Rebel & Romance was fantastic. As a plus size model, I am used to working with all different types of photographers (some great, some not so great), but working with Stormy has to be one of my favourite photo shoots of all time. Stormy is a phenomenal photographer. Right off the bat she makes you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin, and she has an innate talent for bringing you out of your shell and empowering you along the journey. Not only was the shoot itself a wonderful experience, but the end result was just outstanding. The images she created of me were incredible and are still some of the best shots in my portfolio. Since then we have shot together again, and the experience was equally as magical as the first! I plan to book many more shoots with Stormy in the future. I hope your Rebel & Romance experience is as glorious as mine. – Olivia

Hi Stormy, I’ve got to say that THIS was the most delightful thing to wake up to! Thank you thank you thank you! I loved our time together so much that even if I never saw any of the photos I would’ve been totally happy, but seeing these…. oh my goodness!!! I love the way you captured me through your lens. I’d shoot with you every single day if I could 🙂 xoxox Persie

Hi Stormy, You have done a phenomenal job with these images and I’ve never shot lingerie like this. I absolutely love them and thank you soo much for taking the time out to shoot with me and to edit these pictures to such a high quality. I love them. My agent loves them too. Philomena Models1 Curve, NYC

Oh my goodness…you are an absolute ANGEL!!!!! In all honesty, I have never met a photographer that produces stunning work every time without fail before! Thank you so much. I love them, you are amazing! xxx Kat


Hi Stormy, I wanted to sit down in the peace and quiet after the madness of Christmas, and just share with you just how much your photography has meant to M and I.  He was absolutely overwhelmed, and I know that his little album (which arrived safely) – will keep him buoyant over the next 4 months. I am thrilled.  Truly. Thank you (and Gemma) for creating what has undoubtedly been for me (and for M) a highlight of 2013. -R xx

Hi Stormy,

You are the best!!! They are so beautiful!!!! You did an amazing job, thank you!!!!!!! I hope we’ll have another chance to work together:)


Hi Stormy!

They are amazing!! I have no words. You are a photography genius.
I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this shoot as well as helping me through it.
I hope to catch you around again and I’ll have more practice under my belt to work on executing the shoot!
Thanks for everything I can’t wait to show these!!


Hi Stormy,

Thank you for the images, the room certainly turned out ok!  It was such a fun shoot and as always your pictures are gorgeous.

Have a great weekend and speak soon.

Eugenie x

OMG!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE AMAZING HUN!! OMG DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY!! lol MORE than happy with them!! xxxx Kelly

O….M….G……. Not only can you shoot properly but you photoshopped PERFECT…. christ woman…. we need to sit down and work together…. Thank you will never be enough – you did an amazing job…. Speechless. – K

Thank you for my shoot, it was amazing! I just got my pictures, and THEY LOOK AMAZING! I laaaavvvve them so much! Thank you again for such a wonderful session xx Cassie

Wow! What an amazing day, company and portfolio. Stormy and Debbie made my partner and I feel so at ease with the shoot and the style, the girls are very easy to talk to, and Stormy knows the best poses to go for to make you look amazing. The photo books we received of our shoot were beautifully made and the pictures were so elegant. We love them, and it was the best anniversary present for us both. Would most definitely have another shoot with Stormy, and I can’t recommend her highly enough. -Sophie

Hi Stormy, I just wanted to say thank you! You were so nice and sweet, and the pics are all so amazing and I love so much – thank you for your wonderful work Stormy! Best, Chiyo Stormy sweet how are you??.. Amazing pics Sweet, wow so good – I have so many faves!:D so powerful:)…I’m in awe of them…thank you so much:*:):):)..Really you’re an amazing photographer and I will definitely be shooting with you again. I’m in love with the smiling ones and the intimate ones, they are amazing. Your work is incredible and you are such a sweet, cool person to work with. Please let me know if you ever come to Ireland..also I want to send you on a little thank you, something nice from me and Chiyo so look out for it in the post:):* Ian

Hi Stormy,
Just wanted to thanks you for everything you’ve done. My husband loved every single picture and couldn’t believe how beautiful and sexy I looked.
xx, A

These pictures are great. They are exactly what I wanted, and it’s so good to have so many to chose from. I had such a great time working with you, and will be more than happy to recommend you to my friends. I will certainly book you again in the future – in the mean time I certainly feel very luck to have had a shoot with you! xoxo Ellie

Wow, these pictures are so amazing!! I love them so much, they really have given me a confidence boost and your photography is amazing!! Thank you for the shoot 🙂 I really enjoyed myself. Jasz

Woooooooooow! You’re amazing! Just wanted to say a BIG thank you, I absolutely can’t wait for the rest! xxx Emmira

Hi Stormy, OMG!! The pics are amazing! My husband LOVES them too…. he thinks you are incredibly talented. We love the coloured cushion ones. We love all of them. I have been staring at them today – will have to put one of them on a canvas at some stage… when we’re not travelling the globe like homeless backpackers. If I had more time here, I would be back for more photos (after a serious shopping spree on ASOS) but you never know…. I am always optimistic and could be back for a visit next year but perhaps with a little one in tow. Thanks again for such a brilliant experience and for making me feel and look fantastic. Your photos are priceless. Erin xxx P.S. love your work on the crooked foot shot – you would never know!

Hello, I’ve just received my images. So happy with them – thank you! S has picked out a few… excited to see the results. Have already passed your details onto a colleague at work who is thinking of treating her sister. Well, hope to hear from you soon about when we can get together for a social! -M x

“I was incredibly pleased with my photoshoot with Stormy, and I loved the pictures that she took! 🙂 There were so many pictures that I liked that it was difficult to decide which to go in the app and in the album! The photos were beautifully shot, with a real variety of styles and background; some are more dramatic and sexy, whilst others are more playful and elegant. Stormy was very professional throughout and did a really great job. I was really pleased with the location that Stormy chose for the shoot – the light in the space was great, and it allowed for different looks. Stormy also did a great job beforehand about advising on what looks might work best for me. On the day, Stormy was very friendly and it was a really fun experience! Debbie did a great job with my make-up too; I love my smokey eyes in the pictures! I would really recommend working with Stormy. Not only do I love the pictures, but its nice to work with such a professional and friendly person. I hope to have another shoot in the future!” -A

From the moment I met Stormy years ago before I even stepped foot in her beautiful studio, I knew she was special. I followed her on social media for years before I built up the courage to take these life changing photographs!

Stormy is really a special human being, she listens to your story as to why you want to take pictures like these and automatically makes you feel at ease, ready to let go and embrace the inner sexual goddess.  

For me I was going through a divorce and wanted to give myself a present to my self-esteem. This was one of the best things that I have ever done for myself and I will definitely be doing it again!!

Thank you again stormy for your beautiful soul, I pray you continue to make a positive change in the lives of women. I appreciate you. 

Mimi xoxo