Cassie, who I first photographed over a decade ago (wild!), was kind enough to join me for some artistic nude photography recently. We did a few lingerie looks too, and it was just such a treat to see her again.

This is the first proper test shoot I’ve done in AGES, and it reminded me why I never should have stopped. To be honest, test shoots never feel like work at all to me. In fact they are usually so fun that I find them hard to justify. But creatively, I think it’s important to make space in your shooting schedule for things like this, partially so you don’t burn yourself into the ground. There are other practical reasons too though. It’s much more feasible to try new techniques and take your time nailing an idea if you don’t have the pressure of a client. I really love my clients, but I do sometimes feel like I have their heart, or more precisely, their self esteem and body image, in my hands during a shoot. It’s an honour and something I take really seriously, but it keeps me from taking too many risks. I want to be sure that I can deliver an absolutely smashing gallery of final images, so I don’t want to waste much shoot time on an idea that I’m not confident will work.

And of course for boudoir photographers, a test shoot is a chance to create work that can actually be shown publicly, which is always helpful when you have an online presence you’re supposed to be maintaining. I 100% support my clients’ right to total privacy, and test shoots ensure that I can keeps things fresh while you keep things private:)

I’m woefully out of practice with blogging, and so much has changed while I’ve been away. These images are stuck at this sizes for now which might be kind of hard to see on a phone. You’re welcome to look at the new featured sessions section of my website if it’s annoying. I’d quite like them to all be the size of a refrigerator, but that obviously won’t work and this is going to have to do for now.

Cassie is a lingerie connoisseur, so we were spoilt for choice. I love the way she prioritises ethical brands and designers, and I hope some of these links might come in handy if you’d like to do the same. Our first look was this beautiful white set from Seelanii Lingerie, paired with chandelier earrings from Mango.

There was a huge, semi-translucent, subtly striped background that was hanging in the upper level of the studio. I loved the look of it immediately, but then I realised there was a skylight positioned is exactly where I wanted it too. Some rare London sun meant I honestly didn’t have to add a thing – the natural light was perfect and these practically shot themselves. It was really hot up there, but they also had one of those industrial strength fans which we were really grateful for. Fans always add so much drama anyway, I would have wanted it on no matter the weather.

Our next look was this red number (bra by Freolic Lingerie, tap pants by Foxtrot Molly). We used this in another area of the studio with some canvas/burlap materials and some wood pieces that were already half set up. I think the lingerie is beautiful, but I felt like the colour didn’t really match the vibe we were going for (and I was preoccupied by all the potential in the lower floor of the studio), so we didn’t spend too long on this.

This location felt like the perfect place for art nudes – muted colour palette, natural, earthy feel. The thing is, artistic nudes are a bit complicated to use. They can’t be shared on social media, and it’s difficult to even show them here on my website without risking angering the SEO gods or getting dropped by your payment processor (although they also run credit cards for all of OnlyFans sooooo…….!?) . Anyway, when Cassie took this sheer robe/cape piece from Emiah Couture I thought it would be the perfect compromise.

I’ve tried to censor these is the least annoying way possible. For any photographers out there who have to do the same, this is a combo of motion blur on a selection in a new layer, and a great Photoshop mixer brush called “Kyle’s Real Oils – round flex wet.” I don’t remember ever downloading a brush like this, so I think it might be a default option native to Photoshop?

It took a lot of trying to get these. If you’re contemplating an art nude set for your own shoot, please just know this is totally normal! You can’t really hold poses like this, so you have to swing into them. Which is, you know, a bit weird if you’re new to doing photo shoots and also not clothed lol?! When I’m looking through later, I expect to see a lot of weird, awkward looking poses, faces that show the struggle, and some where I’ve missed the moment. It’s all part of the process. If you lean into it though, there will be a handful of winners that make it look like the whole thing was easy as pie. If that all sounds a bit daunting though, we can do art nudes lying down in bed or lounging in a tub and it’s much easier!

It’s all in the tip toes!

These, for example, are much less physically demanding!

And a few in black and white…

Our last look was this delicate pink ensemble from Angela Friedman and Twilight Siren Corsetry. Is this not just absolute blush perfection? For years I’ve been saying that unfinished plaster is a fantastic backdrop and I feel vindicated.

Cassie, what can I say? Thank you again, it’s an honour to photograph you. See you again sooner I hope, but we must shoot again in 10 years time if nothing else!

If you’re reading this and would like to arrange your own shoot (artistic nudes or otherwise!) please don’t be shy. I’d love to hear from you and chat about any ideas you might have, answer any questions, convince you that you actually ARE hot enough and brave enough to do this, etc. 🙂 Please get in touch any time.

