You guys, I’ve written and re-written this post so many times. I have way too much to say about Photoshop for a single blog post, so here’s what I’ve narrowed it down to…
Today’s post features curve model Natasha. She is “unconventionally” beautiful.
My inspiration for this shoot came from the Aerie campaigns (they’ve stopped retouching models) and the StyleLikeU interview with Iskra (below). These images have had a bit of colour work, but no body modification, wardrobe modification, liquify, etc. They are essentially”photoshop free,” and therefore imperfect.
And so am I. And so are you. And this is totally fine.
I believe in Photoshop, and I make no apologies for it. It’s an incredibly useful tool that I use daily – a bit of kit that gets a bad rap and is often used irresponsibly, but unless you would like me to leave that monster pimple on your chin to be forever immortalised in the photographs you’re paying a bunch of money for, we’re probably not that far apart in our thinking.
But do we need to “photoshop” everything all the time? Are we now so offended by the “flaws” of a perfectly healthy, normal body that we can’t appreciate it for what it is? Seventeen Magazine has been telling us how to have perfect skin since we were 12, but I don’t recall them mentioning how the skin texture they taught us to idolize was made by a computer.
I just think…enough.
Let’s appreciate art for what it is, the smoke and the mirrors and the aspirational aspect of bringing a vision to life. But let’s also show some bodies of women who maybe look a bit like you do, not retouched to “perfection,” and let’s hold them up as also beautiful and worthy of praise.
End rant.

And finally, Natasha, my freckle faced, red-headed beauty:)
N is wearing super simple black lingerie here for a casual, easy look. These little corner has the best light – I’ll have you know I moved about 27 rolls of Colorama to free up this space before the shoot.
Natural light, no photoshop, no fake hair, no fake nails, no fake lashes, no chicken fillets in the bra.
I’m quite partial to colour images with redheads, but monochrome is also nice.
Our second look was my favourite – a cable knit jumper for the win.
The props are so random but I still like it lol!
We threw in some long socks for fun.
And golf clubs. Because…I don’t know. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
That backlight though.
Our last outfit was a super pink number. To be honest, we really weren’t sure this would work with the space but we gave it a go anyway.
It wouldn’t be my first choice, but N just looked so lovely that we couldn’t not use them.
A few head shots because I am a little bit in love with N’s face.
N, you were fab. Thanks a bunch.